Resisting the Temptation

Resisting The Temptation - Valentina Heart This one has me teetering on the stars. The writing itself was good. The plot was thin. Kyle: I like him, he's a player, but he can move in with me. We can never be more than friends because it'll never work out. Mikey needs to be free like a bird since he's 19 and I'm 29. We'll just end up hurting each other. So I'll just watch him parade around MY house with other guys because I am desperate for him even if only to see him with someone else.
To be honest, I never looked at the cover, so it was shocking for me to realize on pg 45 that Kyle was black and that it was announced only when he was beating up another guy. (I may have overlooked it, but still) "If I'd met him somewhere on the street, I would have avoided conflict, because it wasn't my way to solve anything with fists. But, he was in my house, beating up the man I loved with all my heart, and I was a gay black man who didn't always have it easy. (new paragraph) Ten years before, I would have solved it all by a memorable lesson involving a knife or gun." WHAT??? Did we even need that?
Kyle was too pathetic for me to relate to and Mikey was just immature and needy. There must be a redeeming quality about the book because I am ranting. Maybe it's the subject matter, that Kyle was there when Mikey really needed him. I just can't figure it out.