The Ghoul Archipelago

The Ghoul Archipelago - Stephen Kozeniewski 4.5 stars

This is not your average anything. Definitely not an average zombie tale.

S. K. easily balances a multi-layered plot with realistic characters that you'll root for or wish Sonntag would use as an offering. A conscientious crook with morals, a religiously extreme preacher, a stow-away, and a money-hungry millionaire software creator are just a few of the interesting characters that grace the pages of this ambitious read.

The writing was skillful and clever.

I don't know if it was the amount of characters or the jump from point of views, but I found myself a bit confused during the beginning of the book.

There were a few times during the middle of the book that I felt the pacing slow to a crawl. It lasted longer than I would have liked, but then it picked back up.

The author is immensely talented and dares to inject pirates, politics, porn and so much more into an unpredictable suspense-filled ghoulish tale.

Highly recommended to burned out fans of the un-dead looking for an in-depth, intellectually stimulating read combined with depictions of disturbing horror.

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