
Brew - Bill Braddock 3 1/2 Stars

Herbert Weston is your typical overly-smart guy. He's been the butt of many jokes, always the odd man out, forever stuck in his geek-dom. A class project he has in school gives him the idea and motivation he needs to hurt all those "meatheads" on his "list" of bullies and slackers. Once his plan is in motion to poison the college brew, turning everyone who drinks it into killer-cannibals, Herbert doesn't just sit back and watch, he becomes an active player in the demise of his enemies.

This read started off with a bang and never let up. There is one scene at the beginning when the chaos starts and this chick is getting smacked up by her friend. The girl's thoughts have stuck with me for some reason. She just kept wondering why the other girl was hitting her, that the punches really hurt, and that she had never been hit like that before. I could almost feel her pain. It was intense to say the least.

Cat and Steve who just met over a potential drug deal are getting to know each other when everyone goes berserk. They're stuck in the apartment and need to find their way out. For a drug dealer, Steve is not how you'd expect him to be. The seemingly insecure Cat takes the lead and they head out into the unknown where people are munching on each other, having a gore-eous time.

There's plenty of dark humor to balance out the gore, but this is a splatter-fest so be prepared. The characters each have their own believable story and the author is not afraid to push them to the extreme and have them make tough choices. This is a survival read and only the toughest will make it. I will say that there was an excess of talking/dialogue going on that slowed the momentum at times. That's a peeve of mine.

This was a fun read and I look forward to checking out his future works.

*I was given an ARC of this book for an honest review*