Dinner At The Vomitropolis - Jesse Wheeler Love the Strangehouse covers~

5 Stars-Mass Digestion- What the hell did I just read?¿? I just read one of the maggoty-est reads ever. It was nasty! It was dirty. It cured me of Rice Krispies forever! A must read for bizarro fans.

4 Stars- Gross-Out Gladiators- Let the vomiting begin!

4 Stars- Shelly & Wasp- A new aphrodisiac. Honey needed~

5 Stars- Gagging Tess- Extreme. Gross. Just...wow~

This dude's got writing skillz. His stories are so creatively vile that they would instantly cause your kindle to go up in flames if you even neared a church. It was polluted with offensive and obscene ideas, but I kept reading knowing what I was devouring was wrong on every level. I couldn't help myself. I read it and I loved it. Am I insane or is the writer? Did he infect me? Am I contaminated by his infectious storytelling? Maybe we both are and this is our happy place.

4 1/2 Stars- Will definitely read more of Jesse's stuff. A fantastically filthy read!