The Mariner

The Mariner - Ade Grant Wavering between 2 and 3 stars. Gonna think on it--sticking with two. I can see that the author put in hard work, but it is what it is.

This is a deep read. My high school diploma barely let me process this religious, philosophical, questionable read, but alas, the synapses started firing and I got it, the meaning, behind this read. The gist: Without love and goodness, man shall fall. Love is there whether it is acknowledged, accepted, or understood. Man should be held accountable for his sin, and move on from acts committed against them. To wallow in your fears and anguish is a no-no.
Hmm. That's not even half of it.
The story could have been tightened up a lot. For the majority of the first half the reader is left wondering where the heck the story is going and what's the point. We, the reader, do find out, but it is very late in the read, making this story confusing and...unrewarding. Alternating chapters of The Shattering and real life would have been better than the non-cohesive chapters and viewpoints we get; giving the reader clues about what's real and who's who. I could go on, but this read wore me out.