The Pilo Family Circus

The Pilo Family Circus - Will Elliott These crazy clowns cause such a ruckus.
It's not your average circus.
They present false smiles,
in painted faces.
Trip you up
with knotted laces.
They make strange noises,
peeps and whines.
This job ain't no joke.
It's a real crime.
Do what you're told,
Don't make the Pilo's blue.
Step on their toes,
and it's the funhouse for you.

by Nikki

It wasn't my mug of coffee. I didn't get the horror of it all. Yes, it had its psycho moments, but there was a lot of repetition. Boring day in and day out stuff. They put on maybe two clown shows that were described? Maybe if I experienced it from a human attending the circus I would have gotten more out of it. The idea was great. The execution was not.