Black Sun Rising: The Coldfire Trilogy #1

Black Sun Rising - C.S. Friedman

The magic system was very interesting, using the fae to "Work" things like healing, warding, and seeing. The characters, however, were unable to sustain my interest in them throughout the long journey they set upon to get back the memories and Working capabilities of the adept, Ciani. Her apprentice, Senzei always wanted to Work with a passion bordering on obsession. He has been her friend for a long time and will do anything to help her. Damien is of the church and Has an interest in the fae for good things and healing. He's Head-over-heels for Cee. Lastly, comes Tarrant, a man who has learned to Work the dark fae who thrive on your fears and can work them into existence. Tarrant is the most interesting bad guy. He stole the show away from Damien, making him look weak and insecure. The story was good, but dragged at times. I have the next two and am in no rush to get to them.