THE BLACK JEWELS TRILOGY: Book (1) One: Daughter of the Blood; Book (2) Two: Heir to the Shadows; Book (3) Three: Queen of the Darkness

Daughter of the Blood - Anne Bishop While watching J, The Witch, grow and meet her future court and learn about different magic and realms, a lot of info was still left out. The story did drag and Witch, atthe end of the book, has not aged past 12 yrs. Daemon, her future lover was so cold and fierce. Saetan, his father is just coming alive again after meeting J tutoring her. I would like to read more about V, Daemon's brother, as the book left off with him being tortured.
I will continue the next book in the series, but I definitely need a break. Hopefully, things move a little faster and are more intriguing than this one. Still a really good read.