Hell Gate

Hell Gate - Elizabeth Massie Suzanne has powers
that work at will.
She's trying to find
a fella that likes to kill.
She's clairvoyant and can see things true.
Other times she gets nothing...boo-hoo.
She digs Cittie, but has to keep it cool.
Back then colored folk didn't mix the gene pool.
The sentences were kind of lumbering,
dragging me along.
I was constantly distracted,
not lulled by this book's song.
Where was the horror?
Where was the fear?
I thought to myself, "it's here, it's here!"
I was wrong. You may well like it.
I wasn't a fan.
I may, in the future,
try this author again.

by Nikki

I ending was not very satisfying. I classify this as a historical mystery (wasn't thrilling to me). That about sums it up~

Just an "OKAY" read.