Suddenly Bear

Suddenly Bear - Abby Blake Total WTF-ery! I can suspend belief, but this was too much. Girl catches fiancé sexing some giggling blonde, girl smacks guy and giggling blond says "you go girl," cheating guy is manhandled by roommate because he was about to hit girl. Roommate takes girl home and becomes her roommate. One year later. They are still roommates hiding their attraction to one another, but that changes instantly. Girl and roommate mess around right after ex-boyfriend shows up demanding she come back to him, and when she says no, he grabs her hair and throws her to the ground for a potential non-consent session. Roommate comes in at that exact moment and tosses him out. He is her mate, but thinks she will be angry when she find out what he is. The rest was not worth mentioning. Not Recommended~