Review of Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
This is romance right? You know two, maybe three people nowadays, are gonna hook up. The key is to make the reader work for it. I didn't have to work at all. It was handed to me on a platter. As soon as I heard the prophecy I knew there was a loophole to the whole "Satan is gonna be my baby daddy" storyline.
I was given just enough info about Arik to like him, but I found the apocalyptic Limos a bit lacking as a warrior princess. She was actually quite whiny/needy in this read. I know she was written that way for all you romanticals (my word), but I would have liked a tougher chick.
Thanatos and Regan are a lovely potential couple and I'll be lurking in the shadows waiting on that book.
Everyone has powers and miraculously survive and thrive, making you suspend belief more than a little bit.
The world Ione created is a wild one and although this one wasn't the moon and stars, it was entertaining.