{Review} Skin Game by Jim Butcher

Skin Game (Dresden Files) - Jim Butcher

I look forward to the Dresden Files. One of the few books I pre-order these days.

I'll start off by saying that I threw a tantrum when I found out that he would be with MAB 

It was such a relief to get away from her in this book.

What can I say about this read? I expected a little more growth from Harry. He was chilling on Demon reach with plenty of time to spare and couldn't create some new spells other than his fuego (fire) spell? Not to mention that's he still gets his ass handed to him regularly. Yeah, slightly disappointed.

However, this novel had a lot going for it. Actions and reactions. Some emotions were shown. Oldies and Baddies coming together for a mutual(they're being paid of course) cause. In Harry's case, he's being pimped out because Mab owes a debt.

I'll leave it at that.

A recommended read.