Ambrosia, the name of a potential cure for a devastating disease that is wreaking havoc on the population, is being researched in a facility at the bottom of the ocean. The underwater station has not responded after one of the doctors left an unsettling message for his brother asking him to venture down into the abyss.
Luke, the brother, can't believe the request seeing as how their relationships is not on the best of terms, but is willing to make the trip for the cure, if not his brother.
"What if the devil unleashed a perfect, unexplainable plague on humanity? If so, isn't it equally possible that God created the perfect, inexplicable cure?"
Mind. Blown.
Entertaining. Suffocating. Dark. Disturbingly grotesque. Those are just a few words that come to mind.
Luke is a broken man and from the minute he and the crew that came along with him set foot in the underwater facility things starts to go wrong.
Luke has issues and this place seems to conjure up memories that seem purposefully picked to potentially weaken his resolve. It's not just him, it's the entire crew. Each person's mind playing tricks, replaying special moments in their lives. But, to what end? And who or what is doing it?
This read was eerily descriptive. I had no trouble visualizing certain scenarios and putting myself in Luke's position. My thoughts often ran rampant right along with him, living his nightmares. The fear factor for this read was off the charts! The fact that the characters couldn't just walk out the door heightened the sense of dread and doom.
I do have to tell you that parts of this read are a mix-and-match of some movies out there such as The Thing,
The dog scene. Oh, Gawd! The Dog!
Easily recommended~
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