
The Semi-Ultimate Reader. 

{Review} Nightcrawlers by Tim Curran

Nightcrawlers - Tim Curran

I was saving all my Curran reads for some unknown day in the future when I was snowed in and unable to leave the house.

However, a friend recommended I read it pronto.

I did and found it lacking.

The characters were ineffectual when it came down to me, the reader, caring about their outcomes. Where were Tim's normally hated/loved characters you wished would die/live?

That alone pulled this read down for me. It was also lacking in the atmospheric department that I normally brag about. Don't get me wrong, there were moments where I could imagine the darkness, the water surrounded me and creeping up my pant-legs. The noises and feelings of being watched. I just felt like there wasn't enough to make me love it.

The ending was not my favorite. Very dismal for my tastes.

The idea was a good one, the implementation of said idea could have been better.

{Review} Cruelty (Episode Two) by Edward Lorn

Cruelty: Episode Two - Edward Lorn

I'm gonna keep it short and simple.

In Episode 2 the police are chatting Will up and trying to get to the bottom of the things that happened in the first episode.

Although this one wasn't as fast-paced and strong as the first; the characters are realistically relevant. I've already thrown out there that Cruelty doesn't strike fear in my heart, but I did like that we got to be in his mind and to see that he is not a rational being. You don't want to be his plaything.

Mr. Lorn introduces us to some less than savory characters and a dog too.

I look forward to book 3.

*I was given a copy in exchange for a honest review*

{Review} The Sentinel by Jeremy Bishop

The Sentinel (A Jane Harper Horror Novel) - Jeremy Bishop

I had fun with this one due to the main character, Jane, whose wit and skill left nothing to be desired. She was strong, but not overly so. Super-witty with some movie/tv/people references that tickled my funny bone.

There was action. Plenty of it to be exact. Lots of players lost their lives. The author did not make it easy on anyone.

This is just one of those reads that you come across and enjoy your time with it, giving you a renewed zest to pick up more books.

A fun-filled, blood-soaked adventure.

I'm glad I gave this author a try.

{Review} Lesser Creatures by Peter Giglio

Lesser Creatures - Peter Giglio

Lesser Creatures is a story of loss, love, and the undead. The undead in this read are called "second-lifers" who are not the ravenous, flesh-eating bodies with teeth we have come to know and shoot in the head.

These SL's are a drain on the community and are a stain that can't be washed away for some who feel like there's no one home in these bodies and to treat them like humans is a unnecessary strain on society. Not everyone feel this way though.

Although I found the idea of second-lifers appealing and original, I felt like the story didn't move like a normal zombie read would. There was really no run-for-your-life moments that made you concerned for the character. It was a slow read.

It didn't help that I didn't like the main character.

What is a story when it's just a story? No highs, no lows.

I didn't dislike it, but it did nothing for me.

The writing was solid, I just needed more flashing lights.

{Review} Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

Stone of Tears (The Sword of Truth #2) - Terry Goodkind

I love Fantasy. Yes, I've seen these ideas and read these plot points elsewhere, but I love them so much I don't mind reading something similar, yet new, again.

I really feel that the repetition of words and phrases are ridiculously overdone as many other reviewers have stated. I have come to accept this (a little bit) and am able to continue on without throwing anything across the room. This will be the breaking point for most readers who give the Sword of Truth series a try. 

Mr. Goodkind has a knack for action and he's pretty good at Kahlan's, Zedd's, and other secondary character's dialogue. However, Richard's character, when he's not fighting, seem to suffer at times. His skull is so thick, I would like to thump it with a big rock. Once he's stuck on an idea, there is no changing it. I take that back. Kahlan has the ability to make him see reason most of the time.

There were so many awesome moments/revelations/situations (there really were) that I was easily able to skip over the parts that were unnecessary. This read has some darker elements that I was surprised to find, but I'm okay with that though.


The Dark Sisters are now scurrying away from the Palace. Richard is...married? Richard is also soon-to-be married. We'll see how that all plays out. Kahlan is the last Confessor and is supposed to be dead. Zedd was not around much. Richard has decided to accept his powers. I also like the fact that he has a cloak of invisibility. Ring any bells? 

(show spoiler)

I'm off to the next one at a more slower pace this time.

{Review} Savage Species by Jonathan Janz

Savage Species - Jonathan Janz

This is my second or third read by Jonathan and the best so far. I liked the action, the creatures, the gore and the descriptions.

The pacing was consistent and relentless, pulling you along on this "run for your life" tale of carnage and violence. It only slipped up for me toward the end where the story dragged on a little too long.

The character were done better than previous reads, but there were still some "over the top' conversations/moments that were unbelievable on all levels. Still, I over-looked that due to the fact that Jesse and a few other players made up for these mis-steps with heroic deeds and memorable moments.

If you're a fan of B-movies, this camping nightmare of a read will definitely be up your alley as some creatures of the night come out of hiding to feast on anyone who comes near.

{Review} Cruelty (Episode One) by Edward Lorn

Cruelty: Episode One - Edward Lorn

I agree with another reviewer that the less we know about the "bad guys" the better. Especially in a situation where he/it is constantly terrorizing the "good guys/gals." It may make some readers lose a certain amount of fear or suspense since they already know who's coming.

On the other hand, Edward writes his characters with such Edwardism (that's realism E. Lorn style) that their emotions seem palpable. Edward excels at this. I'm cool with this trade.

The story started off with Will, a deaf guy, going to see a prostitute. Things don't go as planned and his getaway sets the stage for the chaos that ensues as he's pursued by an enemy that should not exist.

This is a serial, but Mr. Lorn has put them out pretty darn fast.

I will definitely be reading the next one! A recommended read for fans of action, gore and dare I say B movies.

*I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

{Review} Skin Game by Jim Butcher

Skin Game (Dresden Files) - Jim Butcher

I look forward to the Dresden Files. One of the few books I pre-order these days.

I'll start off by saying that I threw a tantrum when I found out that he would be with MAB 

It was such a relief to get away from her in this book.

What can I say about this read? I expected a little more growth from Harry. He was chilling on Demon reach with plenty of time to spare and couldn't create some new spells other than his fuego (fire) spell? Not to mention that's he still gets his ass handed to him regularly. Yeah, slightly disappointed.

However, this novel had a lot going for it. Actions and reactions. Some emotions were shown. Oldies and Baddies coming together for a mutual(they're being paid of course) cause. In Harry's case, he's being pimped out because Mab owes a debt.

I'll leave it at that.

A recommended read.

{Review} Master of Smoke by Angela Knight

Master of Smoke - Angela Knight

Basically, Wolf (Eve/Fluffy) meets Cat (shifter/god/David). Cat is naked. Wolf likes what she sees in naked Cat and offers to help him. Cat doesn't remember who he his.
Insert villain (Warlock). Warlock stole Cat's powers and is trying to keep them for his own, but Cat managed to escape before the process could fully take. 
While hiding from his enemies, Cat gets attached to Wolf and a sexual relationship  quickly (too fast for me) ensues.
I though it was creepy how David/Cat/God seemed to communicate with his other selves. 3 is a crowd even if they are in one body.
I liked the secondary characters Tristan and Belle. I'm sure they will get their own story at some point.
If you like the others in this series, I don't see why you wouldn't like this one. 

Review of Reaping the Dark by Gary McMahon

Reaping the Dark - Gary McMahon

Clarke is the driver, the getaway driver for robberies. The last job goes bad and Clarke has to get Martha, his pregnant girlfriend, out of town as soon as possible.

Before his plan can get in motion, Martha is taken and Clarke is left with no choice but to confront his unknown foes and his own inner demons as his forgotten past catches up to him.

Darkness is coming.

Gary tells a good story, but sometimes I don't think I "get" his vague horrors. His monsters are not always easily visualized and I have a hard time conceiving them. It's hard to explain.

A quick mid-day read.




Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/930104002

{Review} Reaver by Larissa Ione

Reaver: Demonica Series - Larissa Ione

The prologue left little to the imagination, but I saw some of it coming. I didn't like Harvester from the get go and she was nonredeemable in my opinion. Which brings up my biggest peeve.

The angels are rotten. Angels, in my mind, bring hope and justice. I'm not talking about fallen angels, the "good" angels were stabbing folks in the back. There was no level playing field which is sort of a cheap cop-out because the author can throw in whatever components that are necessary to keep the story going.

It's like having Superman fight Superman. Nobody ever wins. It's not an even fight. Each character should have their own kryptonite.

I've lost interest in the Horsemen and rotten angels who are just as bad as the demons.

I think I'm done with this series

{Review} Storm's Heart by Thea Harrison

Storm's Heart - Thea Harrison

Just an "Okay" read~
I don't know if I've outgrown paranormal romance in general or what, but I wasn't feeling the "love" in this one. Maybe it the "mating" theme that take the prey out being hunted because you now they are going to be together no matter what. But in that case shouldn't the character's ordeal be wrought with obstacles so that the reader thinks there's a possibility that it might not be an HEA ending?
Niniane (Tricks) was the weakest character I've come across in a good minute and she was not the chick I would have picked for the overly aggressive (at one point he had slammed her against the wall) Tiago. She was so down on herself that I threw my hands up in the air midway through the book. Tiago was leading her around like a blind cat in heat and I don't like that trait for my heroines or heroes.
I really could have skipped over half the book because nothing truly remarkable happened. Matter of fact, only the last few chapters had any serious action.

{Review} Fallow Ground by Michael James McFarland

Fallow Ground - Michael James McFarland

A husband and wife are offered the one thing they can't have: children, by a mysterious man. Though they are well past the baby stage, the husband is willing to do anything to get the wife he loves back from the depression she has sunk into.
Their blood runs cold. Normal communication is almost impossible, but they look on with knowing eyes. Eyes too old to belong to a child. Dead eyes

Many years and many families later, these two children seem to still be haunting the lands and home of the family that once took them in.

The mysterious man is back and he's not alone.

The story flowed smoothly without a hitch. There were plenty of hauntingly good moments.

An uncomfortably spooky read that I found to be a treat. I will definitely read more of Mr. McFarland's work.

Buddy Read! Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

Stone of Tears (The Sword of Truth #2) - Terry Goodkind

#BuddyRead If anyone would like to read Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind, please join us here on #Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1861193-stone-of-tears-sword-of-truth-2-by-terry-goodkind-spoilers

Review of The Flip by Michael Phillip Cash

The Flip - Michael Phillip Cash

The Flip is about Julie and her husband Brad who have taken to flipping houses for a living. Hoping to make a profit off an old fixer-upper mansion; Brad, wanting to flip it fast, and Julie, wanting to make it a Bed & Breakfast, can't seem to agree on anything and are bumping heads more than usual.

The house and its former inhabitants have secrets that are unveiled as the couple try clean it out and spruce it up before it gets flipped. Will their relationship survive forces that cannot be seen? You'll have to read it to find out.

This light paranormal story intrigued me with its setup and kept my attention throughout the entire story. It was a little light for my tastes and I wasn't expecting the romantic elements. 

The secondary characters (apparitions) consisting of Tessa and Gerald were an unlikely pair as demonstrated throughout the story and I was hard-pressed to accept the ending that was given to me after all the time that they've been cross with each other.

It was a satisfying story that can be consumed in a short sitting.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/948887815

Review of Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione

Immortal Rider - Larissa Ione

This is romance right? You know two, maybe three people nowadays, are gonna hook up. The key is to make the reader work for it. I didn't have to work at all. It was handed to me on a platter. As soon as I heard the prophecy I knew there was a loophole to the whole "Satan is gonna be my baby daddy" storyline.

I was given just enough info about Arik to like him, but I found the apocalyptic Limos a bit lacking as a warrior princess. She was actually quite whiny/needy in this read. I know she was written that way for all you romanticals (my word), but I would have liked a tougher chick.

Thanatos and Regan are a lovely potential couple and I'll be lurking in the shadows waiting on that book.

Everyone has powers and miraculously survive and thrive, making you suspend belief more than a little bit.

The world Ione created is a wild one and although this one wasn't the moon and stars, it was entertaining.